Cake Smash Photographer | Robyn’s session

Look at the love in puppies eyes. He just adores Robyn so much

Family portrait

Hello puppy

Studio set
Mummy and Me
Daddy and Me

Oh dear! I don’t think I like this stuff

Oh I really don’t like this cake business

Mummy joined in with the cake fun

Soon good. I think I will face plant this now

Mmmmmmm I love this cake so much

Oh now Robyn wasn’t going to share the cake!! She hugged it!

She got a better grip by holding the cake stand

And then……. puppy joined in. He kept to his own side. He was very aware that this was Robyn’s cake 😀

But he was willing to help with the clean up

He thought about it……

And then Robyn sneezed cake on the puppy! Look at his ears

Robyn was willing to share at this point

That was enough she thought

Hold on! This bit looks good

Cake kisses with Mum and Dad

And then it was time for a studio bubble bath
A big hug for Mum

Another collage for Robyn
The cake in this session was delivered fresh to the studio by: Sweet Melissa’s Cup Cakes – Facebook page